We arrived at Chitokoloki Mission Hospital February 1981. My main work was a practical work — maintenance, mechanics, electrical, plumbing, building — and to assist spiritually as I could. I started to learn Lunda and later switched to Luvale as the area I wanted to work in across the Zambezi River was Luvale land. A road 23 miles was built, across the river to a clinic. We reached out to the Christians on the Luvale side of the river traveling many miles on a 3 wheel motor bike, crossing the Zambezi river in a dugout canoe and traveling with a Zambian who could speak and translate for me. We looked for groups of Christians and tried to help and encourage them.
One project was the airstrip at Chitokoloki. It had become over grown. The airstrip was extended so we could use the services of the A.E.F. (Africa Evangelical Fellowship) airplane.
During the last 4 years at Chitokoloki, I was involved in traveling maintenance, doing projects for 4-6 weeks at a time. Kalene Mission Hospital was one place we visited each of those years to help. The Kalene lady Missionaries asked us if we would be willing to come and live at Kalene, we too were asking the Lord if this was His will. In time we decided it was the Lord’s will for us to move there and live permanently as Chitokoloki had 4 men as missionaries, Kalene had none. Andrew our son was saved the day we confirmed this decision with our elders, an added blessing and confirmation.